Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The attic is coming along at a fast clip. Most of the wiring was done over the weekend and (fingers crossed) will be completed by this weekend including the installation of all four ceiling fans. Lined up next are telephone jacks, more insulation, drywall, wood floors, tile for the bathroom and replacement windows. Let's not forget patching the plaster in the old existing rooms and painting, painting, painting. Did I mention that our little bundle of love is scheduled to arrive in 7 weeks, people? I've been told that I'm a pessimist when I question the timing of all this renovation. I prefer the term realist.
In other news the daylilies put on quite the show this year and I've been feeling a little guilty about neglecting the garden. It's too tough these day and too humid to get down and dirty with the weeding and deadheading.

And there's tons of actual talk about poetry going on--most of it can be found over at the blogroll on the right--just not here.

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