Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I Would

tell you about Maine, but you really need to experience the hemlocks and lupines for yourself -- the loons, too -- I'm still savoring every second. Someday we'll tap into that rural need and leave all this noise behind.

We're packing up the whole house again and heading to Philadelphia on Friday. A wedding. We'll be dancing fools this coming weekend.

I'm feeling a very strong attachment to E.D. as if she and I are friends. As if E.D. and I were homegirls. Strange, yet comforting.

Well, it's official. I have a room and a roommate for AWP New York. We'll be incognito, though -- the book fair is the place we'll be and we hope to catch some off-site readings.

Letras Latinas has announced the judge for the upcoming Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize -- Martin Espada!

A listserv discussion about book contests almost melted my inbox over the weekend. Reading the threads I found myself encouraged & depressed all at once. Personally, I don't think winning a contest is necessary, but even a press with an open reading period can only publish one or two, or maybe a few books year.


Make sure to download All Architecture (End & Shelf Press, 2007) a brilliant new chapbook by Stuart Greenhouse.


Sandra said...

Are you talking about the WomPo discussion of contests? I've found it overwhelming but fascinating.

The people coming out of the woodwork to critique Jeffrey Levine is especially surprising, to me (not that they'd have the criticisms, but that they'd voice them in that forum).

Suzanne said...

Yes, that's the one. I agree it was fascinating and often surprising.

Unknown said...

I've been following the discussion at wom-po through their archives, and yes, it's both educational and disheartening. But I'm glad to see people talking about it so openly.
I especially liked what one writer had to say about self-publishing.

Stuart has a new chap! Cool. I love his other chap.