Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Book, book, book

MSRP is offering 30 percent off the cover price for advance online orders of Lit Windowpane. ($9.00) Please spread the word. Transactions are handled by PayPal which accepts credit cards and personal checks quickly and securely. Order yours here. Thanks so much for all your support and for supporting the small press!

Advance Praise for Lit Windowpane

In a time when there is no greater question than the question of environmental survival, Suzanne Frischkorn's LIT WINDOWPANE reminds us of the necessity of unadorned and unapologetic praise for the natural world. In language spare and well-keeled, Frischkorn's poems instill in the reader the kind of "perfect attentiveness" that the poet Alan Shapiro reminds us is required for reading and loving. Here, in these wonderful poems, we see that attentiveness devoted to the frail and meteoric world through a gaze that is both outward and inward.

--James Hoch

In the poem "Freshwater Notecards" Suzanne Frischkorn writes: "I will fly/ in like a bird: not looking/ sideways, not looking/ down, not looking up." The imagination in these poems is like that; avid and disarming, they take the world head on, seeking beauty. In spare lines, with rich and lucid images, Suzanne Frischkorn sees the world transforming and remaking itself before her gaze. I love the elegant, heartfelt power of these poems.

--Cynthia Huntington


Simmons B. Buntin said...

Woohoo, can't wait! When does it ship?

Sheryl said...

Yay! I thought it wouldn't be out until the fall.

Suzanne said...

The release date isn't until September, but MSRP does a pre-order promotional price for all their books. :-)