Wednesday, May 28, 2008



My Garden Kicks Ass, or What I Did Over the Memorial Day Weekend
We extended the bed on the right side of the house -- we're balanced now -- so much possibility! Well, not that much possibility it's the shady side of the house. We staked the white rose bush, it will no longer grab you when you walk down the driveway. I meandered as much as you can meander this tiny yard. I plotted -- the iris with the weak stems must go -- for the first time I have to take plants out rather than put plants in...less is more is the new motto. Six years I have waited for the clematis in the front bed to bloom, six years and worth the wait for the deep crimson blossoms as they opened one by one this week. I have grand plans and schemes to put them in motion. I'm on a mission to combine both loves.

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