If this is your space, the space in which you will be writing, you ought to title this post "heaven." It reminds me of the book "Little Woman" and Jo's garret where she'd retreat to write.
Hey, lady, can you do me a big, big favor? Can you email me (laurelkdodge@hotmail.com) or leave the link here regarding the poem a day challenge for April? I read about yesterday on your blog and would like to participate but I don't see archives to your posts.
If this is your space, the space in which you will be writing, you ought to title this post "heaven." It reminds me of the book "Little Woman" and Jo's garret where she'd retreat to write.
Hey, lady, can you do me a big, big favor? Can you email me (laurelkdodge@hotmail.com) or leave the link here regarding the poem a day challenge for April? I read about yesterday on your blog and would like to participate but I don't see archives to your posts.
Here's the link:
I have no idea what I did to my template! But, you're right the previous post have disappeared.
Do it! I'm having a lot of fun just scribbling away.
Oh! And thank you Ivy and Laurel. I am in heaven. :-)
(Just like your poems—your chapbook was wonderful!)
Suzanne, you wanted to ^go^ to a writer's colony? It looks like you live in one. Beautiful beyond words.
Those pictures make me want to sit right down and write! What a gorgeous, inviting space.
Thank you, Charlie, and Stuart, and Anne.
Oh wow. See what I missed yesterday? Lovely space, you. You will write beautiful poems here. Now get to work.
The light in your place looks amazing.
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