Thursday, May 25, 2006

Pruned the lilacs yesterday. I waited until the blooms were completely spent and it was still painful to cut them back. Even knowing that pruning now will double the blooms next spring.

My first birdhouse is home to a finch couple. That's the big news. And our white picket fence is finished. I now live in a house with a white picket fence and a lilac bush.


gina said...

Well give us pictures, go on. We're waiting.

I've always wanted a birdhouse, and I would get one for the porch but I doubt anyone would move into the neighborhood. It has a big cat.

LoveandSalt said...

I have a big cat but the birds scorn him. They figured out very early that he wasn't getting out. It's sad, in a way...

Patry Francis said...

With finches to gaze upon and listen to, and a fragrant purple bush, all your senses will be satisfied. You are one fortunate woman.

Suzanne said...

Thank you, P. I'm counting my blessings. :-)