Friday, June 23, 2006

How I Spent My Summer Vacation - 2


LoveandSalt said...

Oh that is gorgeous. Where is it? Near your house?

Sheryl said...

You lucky woman!

sam of the ten thousand things said...

Wonderful image. Creates a strong sense of two worlds. Thanks for posting it.

Suzanne said...

C, This is the pond at the nature center--about a five minute car ride from our house--and it's also Jack's favorite spot to throw stones in the water.

And Sheryl, you're right I am lucky to be near such a gorgeous place.

Thank you, Sam, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a magical place.

LKD said...

Looks like heaven to me.

Heaven = The deep woods of southeast New Hampshire in the Seventies.

Ah, my childhood. You took a photograph of it, almost.

'Scuse me while I daydream a poem.