Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Here Comes the Sun

Yesterday was perfect--65 degrees and the sun out all day long. J and I went to the park in the morning and took a long walk when he woke up from his nap. Other perks: my husband brought home a bouquet of lilies for no reason and my older son, T, made dinner.

Judging from all the AWP photos bloggers are an attractive bunch. It's been great reading all the recaps, but I have to say I don't think I would do very well at such a large function--I would be totally drained instead of invigorated--although attending this way has been great.

Check out: Alison P's poem in Cimarron Review

I'm now an official adult. I've decided to take my prize money from the Aldrich Award and put it in a poetry money market account, really it's not as boring as it sounds! Most likely I will not be able grab myself some extended solitude until the expected baby is close to two-years-old and by then that prize money could be growing into a very nice, long retreat. A retreat I could schedule around our schedule. Is that a grown up move, or what?


Alison Pelegrin said...


Thanks for the plug!


Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

but I have to say I don't think I would do very well at such a large function--I would be totally drained instead of invigorated--

****Suzanne, this was a bit how I felt. I was thankful to have my family there, so when things got a bit overwhelming for me, I was immediately grounded just by returning to my room.

I found just realizing that this was how I am and taking bits and pieces of it, worked best. I realized that I could not do everything nor wanted to.

I learned a lot and will do my next AWP differently, though given the locations of the next AWPs (Texas, Georgia, NY, Chicago), I probably won't be attending for a while.

And good for you with your new poet money market account! Great idea.
