Sunday, November 28, 2004


  • Little Poem Press
  • has announced their Pushcart Prize Nominations, and I'm pleased to say that yours truly has a poem among them.

    They've nominated "Bow Hunter," from Red Paper Flower.

    "Bow Hunter," first appeared in

  • Literary Salt issue 2

  • It's really kind-of nice to be nominated. Who knew?


    Wendy Wisner said...

    Oh my God, Suzanne! This is wonderful news. I'm so thrilled for you. You're the coolest gal in town.

    Radish King said...

    And wtg, Literary Salt, for recognizing your genius, early on.
    Rebecca, Editor, Literary Salt

    Radish King said...

    Suzanne, I just let the other LS editors know, so we can do our dorky cheerleading routine for you.

    Ivy said...

    Dear Suzanne,
    Congratulations! Yay!

    Suzanne said...

    You're the best! :-)

    You are the most hilarious--btw I can't believe I missed one of your poetryworld rants. (That's the last time I go to writers group.) Thanks for the cheerleading routine, very impressive. *lol*

    And Ivy, you're a doll, thank you!

    Suzanne said...

    OK, now Hannah's the most hilarious *lololol* Thanks, you beautiful genius!